
Friday, March 22, 2013

In my life this week....

In my life this week…

The beginning of the week can be summed up with two words: Stomach flu. Only my husband and the baby got away healthy. We were literally up all night with a vomiting 2 year old. On the upside, my 7 month old slept "through the night" for the first time the same night.You win some you lose some. 

We also got a new (to us) minivan! A 2009 Town & Country. It's the newest car we've ever owned, and the best part is that we  paid cash! Very, very cool! My husband & father in law drove 6 hours (one way!) to claim this Craigslist find. The hubs insisted it was worth it.

I'm grateful for....

Our typically healthy state. It's pretty rare for us to get utterly wiped out like that, and, here we are, just a few short days later and we're all up & running again.

Things I’m working on…

A positive reinforcement chart. This is just as much for me as the kids. I find myself nit-picking lately. Not being clear as to what my expectations are. Like I said, we've all been sick so it's been an "off" week, but this can't become a habit.

We'll also be working on the 7 creative days for our Family Worship Evening, so we'll help the kids create a book depicting each 'day'.  I'm going to try to get most of the components ready before hand.  I'm ridiculously excited for this project.

My kids' favorite thing this week...

Corn meal in cookie trays. I saw this idea on Pinterest; initially I was utilizing it for honing pre-writing skills. The kids did that for awhile and then the cars came out to play. My oldest son (4) spent no less than an hour at a time driving the cars, making hills, burying the cars. He just couldn't get enough of it! My 2 year old daughter loved it too. She also spent a good amount of time using spoons and measuring cups.

Unsurprisingly, there was a lot of corn meal that ended up "escaping" their trays, but I'd say the mess was well worth it. 

I'm linking up to the Homeschool Mother's Journal over at the iHomeschool Network

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I wish I had a Pinterest worthy photo to go at the top of this post. Maybe that would make me feel better. More at ease. Introductions are always so awkward.  Who are you? Why are you blogging? In this this place...what could you possibly have to offer? What new thing do you have to say? Fortunately, almost no one reads the first post of a blog at the time it's published. It's not usually until after they're somewhat of an established reader. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway. 

Well, my name is Jenna. I'm blogging as an outlet.  If I were to "type" what this blog is going to be I'd have to say a "lifestyle" blog. That's right. THE catchall of blog types. The I'll-write-about-whatever-comes-to mind-blog.  If you happen to get anything from it; well, that's great. That's the cherry on top.

I'd like to tell you that I'm going to have something witty to say every week. Three times a week. That I'm going to have tips and stories and how not to's on a regular basis. That would be nice.  But we're just getting started out; so let's not over commit. I have three kids; three wonderful under-the-age-of-four kids.  And I'd like to keep the As-Soon-As-I'm-Done-With-This-Post-Honey's down to a minimum.

You can be sure that when I do post there will probably be run on sentences. And typos. Because always, almost always, something done imperfectly is better than something not done at all for fear of imperfection. Maybe that will be a big theme of this blog. Accepting the 'less than'. Fixing what we can and accepting what we can't (golly--that sounds familiar--accepting the things I cannot change & whatnot).

So, hello. I'm Jenna. And there may be more awkwardness to come.